She uses all the senses in her work. The Tower at Oliver Ranch - it's scale and acoustics, certainly make it feel timeless. There's a video on SPARK, where she talks about the location, building and intention of the work. And certainly, timeless comes into it in a big way. The detail from seating windows, spiral staircase and the facade, not to mention the shape, just inspire me. You can't help but be drawn in... it's like every aspect of the experience of The Tower has been thought out. I know she talks about having to change the location and materials etc. to suit the structure and acoustics, but it certainly seems like the end result was 'meant' to be there - so much a part of the environment's being.

I enjoy her use of materials which are so fitting for the environments she works in - I wondered whether she sees the location and then creates the installation to the works? It doesn't sound like it, more I assume that her works just appeal to the environments she chooses to exhibit in, or build on, which I felt with Paul Pfeiffer's buildings and use of materials... they evolve. She talks about how the environment, her work and herself cohabit or occupy a space - as "... always dealing with a state or a place or an edge, a border, a threshold, a place that's in between. And I think that's the place that I occupy within my work and that perhaps the work occupies. "
(bearings) 1996

I really like the idea of sound and imagery in her installations - extra sensory to the touch and see of a usual sculptural form...
ghost... a border act - 2000

Scale is a big part of that feeling of 'uncomfortableness' in ghost... this is a use of space Hamilton really works well with - whether to create harmony (with Tower) or a more ominous feeling with an installation such as ghost... it's funny, I have always battled to understand the feeling an artist is trying to convey in a piece - often times I just don't get it. But with Hamilton's works, I certainly understand some part of it...
Will keep on watching her inteviews - there are a fair few on youtube and pbs (Art:21) ... her work is like her - a solid confidence.
Theres a 1.30 hour talk by Ann Hamilton on her recent and past works...
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