I am always interested in that idea of history and the point when everything 'became something else' – the point of no return I guess. I believe 1860 was the year, the river became something 'else'.
Because of the time in history, I wanted to return to a more traditional method of 'stitching' the landscape as an aerial view.
I wanted to try as many methods as possible for the final submission and hoped to capture 'pasts and present' of the river- especially as I've found the memories/experiences and perspectives change each time I visit, or plan the next exercise. Also, every time I read more about the site, my understanding changes. This exercise was a good opportunity to work with stitching. An initial 'stitched canvas' was made at the River, specifically at the Kangaroo Point mangroves, where I recorded textures and colours.
Brisbane River recorded between 1865 – 1875

Later, materials taken from the site (such as wood, line work, painted canvas and stitch work) was used to create the final piece. Nothing was wasted.
There is a mix of linear drawing, stitching, photographs, painted canvas, felt and cotton fabrics, chicken wire, copper wire and materials taken from the site to reference certain parts of the river.

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