Sunday, May 23, 2010

Transformation and Development_1

Objective - Lounge 1 - taking the Edward Hopper study of Empty Room, I'd like to render Lounge 1, possibly using a version of colours you associate with Matisse and Van Gogh = bright, vibrant, energetic... Through my building up the piece I have realised the importance of tone VS. the importance of hue... Tone tells the eye what to look at, and how the painting is balanced. The tone, sets the ‘mood’.

I simplified the forms out into light and dark and then continued to simplify more, by cutting out unnecessary pattern and colour. I ‘simplified’ the light/shadow forms and integrated them with the forms of the couch, beanbag, pillows and window.

Outcomes – place lightest lights next to darkest darks. Place most vibrant next to most dull. Place textured next to plain. I was not ‘precious’ with this piece. I painted it and just let it go in whatever direction suited the abstractions. The colours were experimented with in Photoshop and on canvas... Final image - keeping true to the shadows...

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